Trike Ride


Tom thinks "outside the box," conceptualizing new paradigms not yet created, and helping individuals, organizations and institutions operate outside their traditional comfort zones. He organized the first ever global warming panel at the American Wind Energy Association's 2007 annual conference and is currently working to galvanize the U.S. renewable energy industries to lead the creation of a green industrial revolution by advocating for a goal of a 100% renewable electricity grid for America by 2020.


Tom has developed a vast network of green leaders and visionaries through his work in the environmental movement over the past two decades and specializes in building broad and diverse coalitions united by common cause. Most recently, he tapped this network to co-found the American Wind Wildlife Institute ( ), a multi-million dollar environmental/industry collaboration designed to help the wind industry ramp up rapidly and responsibly by proactively addressing wildlife impacts from wind energy development. Tom also helped write a national report on compensatory wildlife mitigation for AWWI (see this link for more details: ). AWWI's founding members consist of 13 wind companies and seven prominent national environmental organizations (see brief interviews of Tom and others here: ). Other high profile public figures Tom has collaborated with in the past include: Lester Brown; E.O. Wilson; Julia Hill; Woody Harrelson; Ed Begley, Jr.; Bonnie Raitt; Gary Hart; Paul Hawken; Hunter Lovins; and the late, great David Brower.


Tom has generated extensive local, national and international media coverage for environmental causes over the years. As director of a Florida "Save the Everglades" campaign, he organized numerous high-profile media events and was featured on television news programs including CBS Evening News, CNN Headline News and the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. He was also featured in numerous print media publications, including the The Washington Post, USA TODAY and U.S. News & World Report. Tom has organized numerous editorial board tours, resulting in highly favorable editorials, and has authored multiple op-ed pieces and letters-to-the-editor. He also utilizes unconventional strategies to generate free media for causes he supports ( watch video... keep watching ). 


Tom has a long history of building community support for environmental initiatives and has given hundreds of public talks during his career to a wide range of audiences in his various capacities as environmental leader, presidential campaigner and wind industry consultant. He helped permit 600 MW of wind energy projects by proactively reaching out to local environmental and community leaders, as well as presenting to local planning boards on the environmental benefits of wind energy. He has developed a PowerPoint presentation for more general audiences, making the case for the rapid expansion of renewable energy as a solution to the joint economic and climate crises, and is available to give this talk at select venues.